Profil von Odino Tso

Spring 2015 Drawing Studio

Double sided cardboard installation roughly 5 ft. tall that interacts with the environment, in this case a heavily grafittied basement. Acrylic and cardboard.
Opposite side of installation.
Texture project involving five different textures combined to create a whole. Color pencil, sharpie, india ink, stonehenge.
Tone  of a pixelated image, charcoal.
Portrait in bad taste, self explainitory, charcoal.
(Right) Abstracted negative space of a tuck, charcoal. (Left) Apropriation assignment, parodied the obey logo with Che Guevara, charcoal and red pastel
Measured drawing of two related objects, graphite and charcoal.
Final Project: Took the negative space assignment further in scale and boldness. The drawing is a scale replica of the side facade of an AMX-13 tank. Total area covered by the drawing is 20 feet long and 8 ft high, charcoal
Spring 2015 Drawing Studio


Spring 2015 Drawing Studio

The following images are all projects from my 2015 Drawing Studio. Each has a prompt associated with it, such as tone, negative space, etc.

