Profil von Siyan RenProfil von Rannn Rannn


The Genesis of YAMA
On early 2011, with the same notion of “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”, I joined hands with my cousin Ran founding the YAMA Design Lab. YAMA means mountain in Japanese, which symbolized a small mountainous town where we were born and raised. YAMA is been named simply to keep reminding us our home, wherever we are at.
Since the time we called it a Lab, it means that we do not only take challenges from clients' side to reach a business balance, but also seek those sheer beautiful stuff in this world to satisfy our nature of craftsmanship deep down in out heart.
2011年、「シンプルさは究極の洗練である。」という同じ理念を抱いていた思言(スエン)は従兄弟の然(ゼン)と手を組んでYAMA Design Labを創立した。見ての通り、YAMAは日本語の山の意味のほか、僕らを育てた町の印でもある。そして、その簡単な名付けはいつでもどこでも二人の郷愁を誘ってくれる。
The Making of YAMA

We took our inspirations from the most stuff we have seen in our life: the mountains. To take the peak part as a graphical metaphor and combine it with a modern type is how our logo come into being.
To further showcase the spirits of YAMA, we took the inspiration from the 3 most common objects in a mountain and traditional chinese medical elements(metal, wood, water, fire and earth), and form into our own 3 elements: Lava, Crystal, Soil.

YAMA Intro Video (Eng)
YAMA Intro Video (Jap)

The 3 Element Effects

As mentioned above, the 3 elements of YAMA, which are Lava, Crystal and Soil, their symbolizations are the rudiments of how we craft things up.
Lava, which comes from the bottom and core part of a mountain, symbolizes the researching for true beautiful stuff. Crystal, which is the hardest object in this world, symbolizes the relentless pursuing for perfection in crafting, Soil, which is the fountain of nourishing, symbolizes countless open-sourced stuff to be contributed to the world.
見ての通り、YAMAの三元素としての 溶岩結晶粘土 は仕事の態度を示している。

The Development of 3 Elements
With the 3 elements as the rudimental spirits and guides in brand making, furtherly, we take them onto the creating of the application part of YAMA brand.  
       YAMA Website
         YAMA Crew (Ran, Siyan, Skinny)
Creative direction: Siyan Ren
Art ditection: Ran Ren, Siyan Ren
Photography: Siyan Ren, Kai Yang
Post Production: Siyan Ren
Music: Sippin of B.ames
Music Editing: Lei Xie
Special Modeling: Skinny
Web development: Ran Ren


On early 2011, with the same notion of “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”, I joined hands with my cousin Ran founding the YAMA Design La Mehr anzeigen
