Profil Elizabeth McGuirl

Presidential Election 2008 Infographic

2008 Presidential Election
Popular Vote Results for New York State Infographic
This project was for my Information Design class where we were given all the content and our main job was to put together a simple and easy to read info graphic. I decided to make it kind of humorous and make up bobble head forms of the candidates. I liked the exaggerated cartoons of Obama and McCain so I decided to do the same kind of look but create my own touch to it. As for all the shapes containing the text, I went with a ribbon shape to hold all the text in to make the whole piece come together nicely. Overall, this was a great project to do and I'm glad this project was assigned.
Presidential Election 2008 Infographic

Presidential Election 2008 Infographic

Basic info graphic explaining the outcome of the electorial vote in New York State for the 2008 Presidential Election between Obama and McCain.
