A live brief set by YCN working with the Idle Man.
For my Exd300 final project for university , I took part in the Ycn brief for the Idle Man , the purpose of this brief was to launch the Idle Man and to create a style for the brand, Researching the brand over the past couple of months ,I learnt that the Idle Man had been re-designed four times but has yet found a style , the aim of my brief was to create a new look for the brand, using the images from the idle man website , i aimed to create a new shopping platform by designing a mobile phone app , which can connect to customers , using the free app Aurasma , which allows the user to create multimedia platform , for mass communication , As well as an app and poster set ,I created a 104 page magazine , using the contents from the Idle Mans blog , looking into style advice , alternative articles and being a friendly readable magazine.


A Live brief from YCN to create a new way for the mens clothing company The Idle Man to connect with a new range of customers App Design Editori Leer más
