Henkilön Jonathan Ring profiili

Dayscape For Young Carers

Dayscape is a service that is offered to Young Carers aged 8-18. Young Carers often feel that they have little time to enjoy themselves and play fun activities. 
The service would take the young carers out during school holidays to local places. Having registered for the programme on the website or through school, they can apply for a range of trips and events.
A passport will get stamped at each event and will also allow them to record their experiences Their memories and photographs can be shared via the website on their own scrapbook page. 
A poster/flyer that would be displayed in Schools to advertise the scheme. They would be able to talk to a teacher about it or register online. 
The brochure which would be sent out along with the passport of choice. The front cover design would be designed for their local city and in the back of the brochure there is a form that they would send off to apply for the specific trips that the Young Carer would want to go on. The website is another way for them to apply. 
Dayscape also offers a trip a little further afield for one of the trips, for example London. 
Some of the website screens (Homepage, Trips and Scrapbook) designed to be bright and interesting to the Target Audience. 
Thanks for looking!
Dayscape For Young Carers

Dayscape For Young Carers

Final Major project at University - A service for Young Carers aged 8 to 18 to have some time to be children again during school holidays.
