Abhishek Maji profili

EMIC Interstellar Time Capsule Film Finalist

On November 2014, Tongal along with Google Play hosted a competition and asked people from all over the world to share their videos which depicts 'moments of humanity'. The result was a 12 minute long documentary film, weaving submissions from people around the world into a story celebrating the human experience on Earth. Directed by David Brodie & curated by Christopher Nolan, EMIC tells the story of people of earth and is meant to serve as a time capsule for future generations. If you have seen 'Life in a Day' you can relate to it. 
Watch the entire film on Google Play here: https://goo.gl/6r1g0Q
I was fortunate to be a part of this wonderful journey since one of my clips got featured in the documentary. Here's a gift I received from Google Play. 
Here's my submission video. Check it out. 
Thanks for watching.
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Contact : abhishek.mj47@gmail.com
EMIC Interstellar Time Capsule Film Finalist
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EMIC Interstellar Time Capsule Film Finalist

I was one of the finalists whose clip got featured in the time capsule documentary 'EMIC'.

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