Profil appartenant à Ava Zeichner

Spatial Dynamics Selects® spring 2015

This project was a perhaps misguided attempt to show the the meme-ification of political issues in the era directly preceding the election of Donald Trump.
 I 3D scanned myself using a hacked Xbox Kinect in the classic Birth of Venus pose, then uploaded it to the 3D CAD program Rhino, turned it on its side, and created a drawing from it. 
Tor's Hidden Wiki is home to, yes, a bunch of quasi-illegal documents, but more interestingly to a wasteland hundreds of pages deep of bizarre, robotic-sounding ads. I edited some of the pages to include giant text files encoding the pixel array of five glitched images--a pin-up, a cocker spaniel, a Coca-Cola bottle, a baby, and a gun. (view one online--zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Prosser6714)
Spatial Dynamics Selects® spring 2015
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Spatial Dynamics Selects® spring 2015

Some Foundation Year work with Kai Franz.

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