Brian Votaws profil

Nike Fuelband: Mobile & Desktop Rich Media Units

Mobile Rich Media Unit
In an effort to simulate the benefits of holding a Nike Fuelband in their hands, I came up with this fullscreen interstitial ad banner. The Fuelband instantly responded to their every hand movement, spinning in space basd as they tilted their device. On the iPhone the product was actual size.
Tandem Banners
I accomplished two different tasks with these units. The expanding banner on top allowed the consumer to explore the ergonomics of the Nike Fuelband and switch between all three coloways on offer. The brand video ran in the banner below and I had the video scrubber gradate from red to yellow to green, just like the progression of the lights on the interface of the Nike Fuelband itself. 
Nike Fuelband: Mobile & Desktop Rich Media Units

Nike Fuelband: Mobile & Desktop Rich Media Units

Disrupt the consumers' passive gaming with an interstitial ad that instantly responds to their every hand movement; the product spins in 3D space Läs mer
