Catherine Dubois's profile

Celestius- Comic Book Pitch

For the Illustraion segment of my course, we were required to create an idea for a comic book and pitch it to fellow classmates and a few guest critques.  May I present, Celestius,  the story about space pirates, following one Captain Zaler Buchanan and his quest to retrieve Imperial treasure from forsaken planets in order to clear his name and stave off execution.
Meet the crew of the Celestius, Buchanan's beloved vessel.  From left to right, Vinx, a creature whose insides were consumed by the mysterious Siren's who Buchanan believes to have stolen the treasure, and subsequently replaced by assorted fungi in order to maintain her survival, Gosner, an old friend from Buchanan's soldier days, Nicky, stellar mechanic, Larris, commander in charge of the recon mission and Phizaz, upbeat and naive.
Main antogonist for the series, a mysterious presence known only as the Sirens.  They were those who stole the Imperial treasure and melt the insides of those who would dare stand in their way, but what is their goal?
Celestius- Comic Book Pitch

Celestius- Comic Book Pitch

Comic book pitch about space pirates and their adventures to retrieve stolen treasure
