with history...

This trip to Istanbul was amazing. It lasted 3 days and 3 nights. I did not manage to take photographs of all the places, as in fact I was no able to see everything. However I enjoyed every minute and I am eager to share my memories with you.

Here started our trip, not far from this place was our hotel and The Sultan Ahmed Mosque
From here on you can observe the Sultan Ahmed Mosque
Sophie Cathedral, previously Christian, then Mosque, now Museum.
Unfortunately we hace failed to visit it. Hope, next time.

Turkish them...
Chinese cook fish on board and sale it, so it smells awful in the street, however they say, fish is incredible.
"Do not disturb! I am full and sleepy!"
Basilica Cistern - the largest of several hundred ancient cisterns that lie beneath the city of Istanbul . The cistern was built in the 6th century.
Do you see any trick?
Now and on my favourite fresh juice is - 50%orange and 50%pomegranate!!!
Actually Istanbul is a city of cats, lots and lots of cats are sitting, sleeping, eating, playing etc. around the town.
I've made too many pictures of them, unfortunately on my phone...

Diffirent ornaments.


magnificant Istanbul within few days
