Concussion v. 2.0
Custom Component & Front-End Development
Concussion's new website redesign is one of my proudest work. The website is built heavily on jQuery and CSS. Part of my responsibility as the Lead Front-end Developer was to communicate with the Lead Interactive Designer and a creative staff. I got the designers to talk me through the artwork and their expectations. Some of the expectations that they had in mind:
In order to achieve what the designers want, I proposed to use Joomla! for the CMS. There are a lot of reasons why I had to pick Joomla!:
Functionalities on the back end include:
In conclusion, I have had so much fun building this website and the joy was when the product went live and hearing how much people enjoy using the site.
Home Page Preview
Bomb Squad Page Preview
Detail View of a Project. Notice the Media Gallery on top of each Project's description
Concussion Management System (CMS) was built using Joomla! Framework
Concussion v. 2.0

Concussion v. 2.0

Concussion v.2 is built using Joomla Framework, CSS and jQuery.
