Jose Zeas profil

LAB, Bogotá, Colombia

LAB, Parkway
Spring 14’ - Unfinished.
Place: Parkway, Bogotá, Colombia
Bussines idea
Design and build    
Co - funders: José Zea.
                        Lorenzo Sanchez.
                        Ricardo Gaitan.
                        Leonardo Velasquez.
                        Santiago Zuñiga.   
Lab is a laboratory of innovative minds that create inventions for a better world. Its purpose is to expand horizons design, linking different disciplines to find and supply needs, and also create a product that can solve. (siempre existe una necesidad y detrás siempre algo que inventar).
Lab differentiating strategy is to expand horizons design that can attack a problem from different fields, looking at the problem from different angles (multidisciplinary). LineLab developed a business model that links through time and needs, new fields of research and production, generating diversity within the company.
The problem looks to design all possible angles, and it’s different disciplines that can address this. We sell evolution, which ultimately represents a product.
The company has been developing and building since 2014, by University students, this project is promising for the Colombian industry of the future, according to their ideals, work methodology and its high-range participation of international competitions won, this development has been done with high level professional support from different disciplines especially architecture.
LineLab Talk at Javeriana University 
Lecturer : Leo Velasquez and José Zea 
Co-funder of mill at "Parkway Food Think Tank"
Workshop of visualization at LAB 
Sofia Mosquera playing Blues and Jazz at "Parkway Lab Sessions"
Bogohack Co-funder at "Parkway Food Think Tank"
LAB, Bogotá, Colombia

Projekt gjort för

LAB, Bogotá, Colombia

Lab is a laboratory of innovative minds that create inventions for a better world. Its purpose is to expand horizons design, linking different di Läs mer


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