Thea Sciclunas profil

Water is Life Stage model

This model was the one we created as part of a group work to present our concept in front of a board and was later chosen to be built for the MCAST End of Year Exhibition 2015. The concept remained the same as my initial concept which is that of having the elements on the stage resembling rocks. This time the faces were less sharp to allow for the projection mapping and it was even larger in scale than the original concept. Slits were created in the structures to reduce their weight due to their large size and they also function to resemble water trickling from between the rocks, over the stage and the catwalk and finally to flow between the audience so as to incorporate them in the design and make them feel part of the whole design during the performances. 
Water is Life Stage model

Water is Life Stage model

This model was the one we created as part of a group work to present our concept in front of a board and was later chosen to be built for the MCA Læs mere


Kreative områder