Ben Wilhelmson's profile

Benji's Portfolio of Work

Ipod Silhouette project - I used photoshop to create an iPod advertisement. I had to use layer masks to cut out the iPod and the image of myself. I used the pen tool to draw my headphones. I really liked the originality of this project. 
Polygon Animal project - For this project I used Adobe Illustrator to create a vector jaguar out of shapes and lines. I used the polygon tool and the direct selection tool to manipulate each shape. To start this project I imported a graphic of a jaguar and simply started forming the design on top of my image. I used the pen tool and path selection tool to draw the whiskers, and in the end was very satisfied with the outcome of the project. 
Bubble Project - My inspiration behind this project came from the Apple iPhone 5s advertisement. I used layer masks and adjusted the opacity to create the see through appearance. I also used the Screen blending mode, which I felt looked the best. 
Illustrator smiley face project - I had just watched the Pixar movie Despicable Me, so I decided to go with it. Overall the project was rather simple. I used the Pen tool to draw the eye-piece. 
Product Packaging project - For this project I followed along with a simple tutorial. I created a 3D effect by flipping the box and dropping the opacity to a low value. I then skewed the image to line up the corners and edges, in order to make the shadow look realistic. I applied a gradient to the background which makes the box appear to be sitting on a stage or in front of the background. 
Dancing can animation project - For this project I used After Effects to make the animation. I made sure to download a .png file when I gathered the graphic of the Red Bull can. This was important because it maintained transparency and allowed me to place it ontop of my background, without having to cut the can out of another image. The laser etch at the end was a separate tutorial that I watched on YouTube. I tweaked a few details from the tutorial like the brushed metal background and the color of the laser. In After Effects I linked the background's animation to the can's motions and the organic design behind the can. 
Animated Short film - The inspiration behind this short film came from the famous short film Kiwi. I used Sprite Sheets and Adobe Edge Animate's new sprite sheet feature, which makes incorporating a sprite sheet into your animation extremely easy. First I would download a .png sprite sheet from google images, and then simply use the place sprite sheet function in Edge Animate. This makes a symbol which can be placed anywhere and then set to animate by using triggers. 
A day in history project - For this project I used Audition to piece together sound recordings from the famous Apollo 11 mission to the moon. I used 5 audio clippings, which I downloaded from YouTube and imported into Audition. Once in Audition I trimmed them down and pieced them together. Then I found a simple background song and imported it into my project. I dropped the gain on the background music and added emphasis to the voice recordings, in order for them to stand out over the music. 
Audio movie trailer project - I used Audition to trim and piece together actual sound clips from the movie Step Brothers, in order to create an audio trailer used to persuade the audience to go see the movie. I downloaded the movie sound clips from and I found the background music on the official Step Brother's soundtrack. I really like the movie Step Brothers, so this project was a lot of fun to make.  
Everywhere man video project - This project required a partner to take pictures of me infront of a green screen. I then used Photoshop and layer masks to cut myself out from the background. I then gathered the correct background images to follow along to the Johnny Cash song "Everywhere Man" and placed myself into the images. The project was all put together using Premiere Pro. 
What is Digital Media project - for this project I used google images to gather a ton of images which define 'digital media' to me. I used Photoshop to resize each image to 720 x 480 and then imported them into Premiere. I also imported the Galleria Long audio file and added transitions between each image. I adjusted the fade in and fade out on the audio using the panning feature in Premiere pro. 
Benji's Portfolio of Work

Benji's Portfolio of Work

A montage of the best work I did in Mr. Maldonado's Digital Media class. Every project included was created with the Adobe CC applications
