Cynthia Lim's profile


This is a collection of my Post-Crossing doodles/art. 
I am hooked to exchanging post-cards on 
Instead of sending purchased postcards, I made it a point to only send out things I draw. 
Here's all the works. 
My post-crossing profile:
For a lady who loves to collect postcards featuring trees. This is just a typical Chinese Bamboo. I don't own a Chinese name stamp/seal, so I drew one :D 
Chinese ink on Postcard
For a Chinese boy who would like to see national mascots and symbols. This is a (not very well) painting of Singapore's national icon, the Merlion. 
This is for a Harry Potter Fan. I would love to do portraits of the main characters, but my skills are inadept and it seems too much work for the short time! 
This Steampunk Owl is for a lady who likes Steampunk themes and an obsession with owls. She liked this very much and we keep in touch! 
This is for a chef working on a ship. He likes to collect postcards of lighthouses. This features the most beautiful lighthouse in Singapore in my opinion. Her name is Sultan Shoal Lighthouse. I have provided him the nautical coordinates because I thought he'd like that. :) 
This is for a lady who loves cats a hell lot. This is a local+native breed from Singapore called the Kuchinta Cat. They are known for their bat like ears, extremely affectionate and tempremental.
Chinese ink on postcard 
This Hipster Woody is for a lady who is a fan of Dadaist art and a hard core toy-story fan. I though it'll be really funny and playful.
Admitedly, I am not very strong at cartoons, colors, and also humans, be it cartoon or not. I just went for a simple silhuette this time. 
For a fan of Studio Ghibli! 


This is a collection of my Post-Crossing doodles/art. I am hooked to exchanging post-cards on Instead of sending purchased Read More
