The poster was made to launch the magazine, Beautiful Decay in Denmark.
The event was to take place in the Danish art museum, Aros where 15 different artist where chosen through an open competition. At the launch party these artists would showcase their work, and a silent auction was part of the main event. The auction cards are made of reusable cardboard and provides therefore a solid background when filling out the form. The durability of the auction-card ads also a nicer feel compared to a thin paper slip. This way the person bidding, feels like his bid is actual more valuable and real.

The style of both the poster and auction card is made in reference to the style of the magazine, which is a bit "trashy" and edgy in the feel.
Unfortunately I have lost my files for this project, so the pictures are taken of the printed versions
The assignment was a school project, and is therefore not given by the magazine itself, nor has the event taken place.
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Poster for the launch party of the magazine; Beautiful Decay along with auction cards for the event.

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