Profil Angela Gibb

YCN, Student Award 2014/2015, Save The Children

I decided to take part in the YCN Student Awards 2014/2015, Save The Children brief. The aim of the brief was to deliver a creative resource that will inspire and motivate Dads to read to their children for just 10 minutes every day. It is to promote the ‘Read on Get on’ campaign which aims to get all children reading well by the age of 11. 
My motion piece includes real footage along with animation. The main story is about a Knight who struggles to read until his Father teaches him. The Knight then writes a love letter to the Princess and they eventually fall in love and get married. This story ties in with the tagline, ‘Give your child a happily ever after’ which is directed towards Dads.
YCN, Student Award 2014/2015, Save The Children

YCN, Student Award 2014/2015, Save The Children

This is my response to the YCN, Save The Children brief to inspire and motivate Dads to read to their children for just 10 minutes every day. I Další informace
