The theme for the Creative Jam was 
      "For those about to Rock, We salute you" - AC/DC
Below are the entries from the Austin Creative Jam but there are many others happening across the US and beyond. Go to to learn more about attending these multi-part events and even participating. We hope to see you in a city near you!
Follow the conversation #creativejam
Team Sierra Whiskey - Carter Watkins and Lucia Stanley
Team Lips & Hooves - Nathan Walker and Alan Defibaugh  
Team Papyrus.ttf - Chris Lindenmayer and RJ Nye
Team Allison - Allison McCleary and David Irlanda
Team Honeycutt - Tyler Honeycutt and Adam Shields 
Team Gamas - ilia isales and Maddy Kramer
Team Surrounded by Nerds - Sarah Presson and Kat Townsend
Austin Creative Jam

Austin Creative Jam

Creative Jam in Austin May 14th. Some of the best designers in the city had 3 hours to create a visual design or an animation. The theme was "For Læs mere
