Laurel Natale 的个人资料

CKO SideKick App Design Philly U Project

(This is a class project only and does not involve the actual CKO company)
"Do it for NOBODY but yourself"
"STOP being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right."
"You are STRONGER than your excuses"
This is the voice of CKO. It's filled with tough love, support and encouragement. CKO gives you the strength to find your own strength. It's hard on you when you need it and it knows when to be gentle. It offers classes every day, throughout the day, to be there for you and to give you no excuses not to get in shape. It is NOT the gym.
Meet Jennifer. She works hard and she plays hard. She is also hard on herself. In her mid-thirties, Jen wants more than that stepping class that's filled with house wives. She's looking for something that can become part of her life as she reinvents herself and finds herself in adulthood. She needs a place she can let out her frustrations, and give her the confidence to keep going.
Journey Map of CKO User Persona
Core Problems:
Don't know if a class is canceld without having to check website on desktop each morning.

Don't know how many calories are burned in class.

Unsure of progress.

No advice or tips on motivation, food, etc..

No motivation to keep me going when not in class.
Features Summary:
Class cancelation alert

Monitor for calories burned

Motivational and Inspirational Messages

Food advice and tips

Noted achievements

compatible with smart devices
CKO SideKick App Design Philly U Project

CKO SideKick App Design Philly U Project

An App prototype design for Philadelphia University's USER EXPERIENCE AND INTERACTION DESIGN
