2009 | Lavello

Concept for a hand washing basin inspired in Organic Essentialism

My anger with the typical heavy white bathroom objects inspired this rebbelion. Organic essentialism is more a philosophy than a design language, but in essence artificiall cunsumerism is thrown overbord and the natural genious restored. In this object I wanted the catch the elegance that water so easely seems to riveal. The combination of the watersurface and the curvature of the plexiglass gives a light defracted lens. And when still the water becomes almost invisible. Which gives a high feel of purity to the experience of the object.

Modello:    by hand
Shell made of PMMA by heat softening in an oven on a Polyurethane mould. The support arm and waterfall are made of resin impregnated carbonfiber look alike weaved fibers hand layed on a sanded PU foam core.


Hand washing basin inspired on the Organic Essentialism design philosophy
