Cherán - Hueso / Héctor Guerra / Lengualerta / Moyenei / Rocco / Rubén Albarrán
Resistencia de Cherán
Cherán is an indigenous village located northeast of the Purepecha plateau in the state of Michoacan. With less than 13,000 habitants, it started with the women's initiative, they have risen up against organized crime and illegal logging, which has devastated a 27,000 hectares forest to 7,000 since 2008. Entrenched up since April 15th, the people of Cheran dismisses the government and local police for corruption and apathy towards the problem, replacing them by a Self-Ruling Committee that "self-governing" and a Community Round that "protects itself". Volunteers from both communal forces have a rotational period. "Neighbor with neighbor, block with block".
Directed and performed by MEMOMA.
Played by:
- Hueso - MC SHH                                                          
- Héctor Guerra - Pachamama Crew                                      
- Lengualerta                                                                           
- Moyenei - Sonidero Mestizo                                                     
- Rocco - Maldita Vencidad
- Rubén Albarrán - Café Tacvba
- Voz P'urhepécha - Adelaida Cucué Rivera.
- Violín - Julián Martínez Vázquez.
- Guitarra, vihuela y bajo (tololoche) - Omar Gutiérrez García.
- Tombón - Leonardo Sierra Galván.
- Zapateado - Manuel Gallardo Martínez.
- Ritmos - Joel Sánchez Hernández.
- Mezcla - Roberto Carlos Estrada Jacobo.
- Producción - Moi Gallo.
Special thanks to:
Toda la Comunidad de Cherán, Alborada Records, Zentro Studio, Memo Mendez Guiu, Eva Aguilera, Fera Maldonado, Dram Ondergraun, Jack Shwartzer, Bernhard Russow, Katja Schatzle.
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CHERÁN / Videoclip & Documentary

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