Here are the opening credits of the show
Human Core Identity, Credits & Font Design

[Ñ] Diseño de la tipografía Core para la mini serie de TV Human Core. La tipografía se utilizó para la identidad de la serie, los créditos y titulos. También colaboré en el montaje de los créditos.

[E] Type design for the TV show Human Core. The font was used for the identity, credits and titles. I also collaborated in the credits design. 
Produced & Directed by HumanProduce
Art Direction image titles: Claudia Orjuela & Álvaro Sau
Type Design & Graphic Design: Octavio Pardo

No digital edition software was used in the credits, just analogic Video Art. 
Here is the opening title secuence
Some screenshots from the show. Cool, hu?
Samples of the Core font in three weights, developed for the show. The shapes are inspired in the Bunker, the main scenario fo the show
Human Core

Human Core

Type design for the TV show Human Core. The font was used for the identity, credits and titles. I also collaborated in the credits design.
