Peer Gynt
Västra Nylands Folkhögskola, 2015

Written by Henrik Ibsen

Director: Tom Wasker Lindblom
Scenic design: Peta von Karis
Costume design: Alexandra Wärn

As part of their 20th anniversary the theatre company at Västra Nylands folkhögskola put on their take of the play Peer Gynt, the Norwegian classic written by Henrik Ibsen. I was the costume designer in the production and designed outfits for the roles The Green-Clad, Helga, Solvieg, Fate and The Button Molder. The rest was picked out from the wardrobe together with the actors.
The final production  premiered on March 19th 2015 at Tryckeriteatern in Karis, Finland, and played until May 3rd the same year.

Peer Gynt


Peer Gynt

As part of their 20th anniversary the theatre company at Västra Nylands folkhögskola put on their take of the play Peer Gynt, the Norwegian class Read More
