Qiuyi Chen sin profil

Playful Illustration Cards

I'm constantly exploring new ways to differentiate my illustration from others, I really want to add a element of playfulness to my work, to eable interaction between me and the audience, to feel fun.
These are Color Changing illustrations cards inspired by an advertisment promotional card shown to me during paper engineering class, i was so fasinated by it, and I want to make my own. The mechanics is so magical, so I combine the idea of chaning from black & white illustration into color illustration with my own drawings. The two illustrations I come up with are in a new style I'm currently really exploring into: Patterns, linear and gradients are the elements utilized this work.
Space Cowboy
Color illustration
Halftone black& white print on Transparency paper 
Almost a love story
Halftone black & white image
Color print laid over halftone transparency print: trick the eye that this is a color image
Playful Illustration Cards

Playful Illustration Cards

color changing illustration

