They say even during bad times you can find something good. If writers have writer's block then I'm having quiller's block. I just can't bring myself to quill anything. But I couldn't sit idle either, the silence in my head is deafening.
And out of that loud silence, came Quillodoscope. I don't have a purpose for it yet, other than just making art. These are images of my quilled artworks manipulated using Photoshop. I was trying to create a kaleidoscope effect using Photoshop when I had the idea to try and use the images from my quilled artworks. The outcomes are quite cool looking I think.
These are the first collection, based on the Sound piece from my Senses artwork.
Quillodoscope : Sound

Quillodoscope : Sound

Photomanipulation of my previous quilled artwork using Photoshop to create a kaleidoscope effect.
