"90 Designs, 51 Artists, 1 Video"
2015 is the 100th anniversary of the Coca-Cola contour bottle, the it's used to be the theme for the promo video. Glassfin wanted to show the vast of Malaysian art field, then I saw a "Call For Artists" invitation by Glassfin for the Malaysia 5th Annual Coca-Cola Collectors Fair, collaborate with MCCC to produce a promo mash up video together will any interested Malaysian artists. I decided to accept the challenge and make my own style and design of Coca-Cola contour bottle. 
There are 2 options for us to show our artwork, either still images or videos. I'm more to motion graphics, so I went for video. The requirement was 3 to 5 seconds long, freestyle of design with no political and religious issues and the position of the contour bottle has to be at the centre of the screen.
|| Theme
I was inspired by the animation of "Counter Strike" done by Seth Eckert (an amazing motion graphic artist !) and I always wanted to try some mechanism and circuit design. As for music it is one of my interests and hobbies, so I combined these 2 elements and made the design. It has the platform to place all the mechanism with the shapes of different kinds of instruments. The contour bottle is the heart of the music platform. The colours chosen are the hue of purple to orange, which gives a feeling of jazz and fun.
|| Styleframe
|| Video
|| Design and Animation 
   Gwendoline Chan
|| Music 
|| Final Mash-up Promo Video
The final mash-up promo video was done by Glassfin, consisting of 90 designs by 51 creative artists. This is PURELY a NON-PROFIT VIDEO for the event. It's shown in the Malaysia 5th Annual Coca-Cola Collectors Fair on the 9th of May, 2015 in Berjaya Timesquare, Kuala Lumpur. I feel glad and happy to be one of the collaborators for this video with other amazing artists.   


My design for mash-up Promo Video for the Malaysia 5th Annual Coca-Cola Collectors Fair, using the contour bottle of Coca-Cola (100th anniversary Rozwiń
