Alex Hollingsworth profili

Invisible Man - Three Book Covers

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison - a book about racial oppression in the south of America due to white people's refusal to see the narrator. These three book covers aim to approach the design in very different ways, all individually focused on different concepts which manifest themselves in contrasting designs. 
This concepts played upon the theme of the limitations of ideology that runs throughout the book - this being that political ideologies are too simplistic to encapsulate something as complex as humanity. The lightbulb illustrations serve twofold; they represent the lightbulbs that the narrator has in his underground home, they represent the concept of thought expansion and outward political thinking.
This design plays upon the concept of racism being an obstable to individual identity. By illustrating the foot on the front cover with the imprint of a mans face, I aimed to present the idea of a white man squashing out the identity of the black man. This is representative of the book's overall theme in general.  
This concept is all about blindness. By creating such a visceral texture in the background and allowed the front covers typography to blend into it through various techniques, I wanted to present the idea of people losing their sense of self due people's inability to see them. 
Invisible Man - Three Book Covers
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Invisible Man - Three Book Covers

Three book covers for Insivisble Man by Ralph Ellison

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