JL DESIGN . 的个人资料

CET expo 2014 press conference showreel

本次概念預展為2015年臺灣文博會的縮影,集結國內60家以上文創品牌具代表性作品共同展出。展場中央由 JL Design製作,長達24米的概念文化河流投影「品一條河流」,呈現科技河、工藝河、時尚河循序環轉,藉由規律的點線面交織出數位生活的川流不息。
設計概念取河流作為中華文化發源點的深遠意涵,藉由河流的形態表現文化的本源,用當代的觀點,截取創意的精華與原型, 以微觀角度創造宏觀視野,將品味台灣的過程,打造成一個令人驚豔的感官體驗。取自山水書法的虛實美學,抽象而現代化的黑白線條與形狀,透過大型動態投影的河流意像 ,再創文化表現形式。
由 MUSDM擔綱的音樂設計,實驗性的抽象類比電子樂器為基底,大提琴主旋律注入聲音的溫度, 分別與詮釋科技、工藝、時尚的碰撞立體聲效、呼應手拉胚工藝的旋轉聲響,以及紡織機的木梭聲,交織譜出一場影音盛宴。

2014 CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN CONCEPT PREVIEW- Co-Curation and Video Production
As one of the curators for the 2015 Creative Expo Taiwan preview exhibition, our theme "Characteristics of Taiwan" was to showcase quality product in a spatial display that is peculiar to the culture and a vision of the quality lifestyle of contemporary Chinese. 
In the center of the exhibition, a 3-part video produced by JL DESIGN entitled "Digital River" was projected continuously onto a floor that was 24 meters in length. The concept of the video was to present our culture through graphic patterns that were a study of the artistic principle of positive and negative spaces used in Chinese calligraphy. Each part revealed patterns that were relevant to an industry and they were technology, crafts and fashion. The weaving of black and white lines, dots and perspectives produced patterns of a culture and a way of living that will never cease.
Creative Agency: JL DESIGN
Creative Director: JL 羅申駿
Executive Producer: Angela Moo 巫安琪 
Senior Producer: Chiaying Tsai蔡佳穎
Production Coordinator:Astrid Gao 高子琪 、Ryan Lin 林志翰
Art Director: Lance Wei 魏良恩
Designers: HsiangJu Huang 洪湘茹、Orange Chen 陳郁文、Jarvis Lim 林旂鋒
Motion Designers: Jim Hsu許峻良, Julian Chen陳安
Cameraman: Peng Wen Hsing彭文星, Fan Shuan Chien 簡凡軒, 章弘毅 ,莊騰傑
Edit: Peng Wen Hsing彭文星
Music: Rockid Lee李銘杰 (MUSDM)
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2014台灣文博會預展記者會開場表演完整版 CET expo 2014 press conference opening
2014台灣文博會預展記者會 CET expo 2014 press conference showreel
CET expo 2014 press conference showreel

CET expo 2014 press conference showreel

CET expo 2014 press conference opening digttal show & showreel
