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Cube World - Inspired By "KeiraArts"

This is the Official final version of my isometric design. This was created over a span of 1 and a half days. I used Cinema4D for the modeling and Photoshop for initial light touchup/text setup. Overall I put lots of effort and detail into this piece and hope its as enjoyable as Keira Art's work, which inspired me to create my own take on isometric cubes.
This is the render preview at work, showing off some of the lighting implemented.
Here are the Airballoons I made using spheres. All I did was delete phong tags and lower the rotation segments. The design is simplistic but effective.
The top cube holds a more natural side of things. From the pipes the housing and surrounding nature, the top is full of life.I detailed the house specifically for close ups like this :P
This is actually my favourite part of the design.  It holds everything together. In the top picture, is a lab that contains toxic containers and test stations. The pool is quite interesting seeing it is connected to a lab. For the water here, I used a plane, noise displacer and polygon reduction. Lastly, the curved pipe shooting bubbles! I think it adds a little something to the right side as it is the side that lacks on every cube.
Last but not least, well maybe the least detailed.... The bottom cube is basically the worker. Its described this way for its machine like features; A fan, gears and industrial pipes. The least detailed cube has to be the most obscure. I used a inner texture on the cubes surface and then applied a very transparent material as a glass overlay. This helped project whats inside.

Well here it is again guys, this time in standard U.S. Paper format. I would like to thank Keira Arts for being a big inspiration when it comes to isometric design. Its simplistic style creates a balance which makes the design bold. Hopefully you can enjoy this piece, and expect more proffessional design from me like this in the future...
- Jacob .E
Cube World - Inspired By "KeiraArts"


Cube World - Inspired By "KeiraArts"

A 3 part cube world, inspired by Keira Arts.
