Profil appartenant à Fabio Castro

PURINA - We're Petcentric PITCH

Seattle's Office
Costa Rica's Team
Art Director: Marco Kelso
Lead Designer: Fabio Castro
Visualization of next-gen website for “Purina: We Are Petcentric.”
Version 1. HUB profile if you're Log in.
Version 2. HUB profile if you're Log in.
Version 1. HUB profile if you're a new user.
Final version
Final version of the HUB. If you're Log in.
Final version of the HUB. If you're not log in.
All the Design comps allude to responsive design, full-bleed imagery, social integration, platform agnosticism.
PURINA - We're Petcentric PITCH
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PURINA - We're Petcentric PITCH

Visualization of next-gen website for “Purina: We Are Petcentric.”

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