Henkilön Promise Hamilton profiiliHenkilön Alisa Wojtaszek profiili

PBS- Take a Closer Look

The overall objective of our ad campaign was to draw the viewer in with a striking and unusual, but interesting scene, and to show them that PBS is more unique than any other broadcasting service. We aimed to show off PBS' ability to dig deeper and take a closer look at the world around us.
"Exploring history, science, the arts and our world with a different perspective."
Promise Hamilton
Credit: Myself, Alisa Wojtaszek and Hyesun Jee (Student group project, all contributers acting as art directors)
PBS- Take a Closer Look

PBS- Take a Closer Look

The overall objective of our ad campaign was to draw the viewer in with a striking and unusual, but interesting scene, and to show them that PBS Lue lisää
