Art In the Wild
I’ve noticed the almost ingenious andrevolutionary way that artists have used everything around them in order tocreate things on the spot. Often the irony of the discrepancy between fine art and modern art is that sticker artis placed on newspaper boxes and sometimes is used to make a statement onthings such as politics and world issues. The very vessels that we use to getour printed news come with a side of modern day blind activism. Newspaper boxes and otheremergency/construction staples that we see in the streets are very vibrant tocatch our attention so that we’re immediately enamored enough by them to bedrawn in or to stay away or only use for help. The bright red, orange, yellow,blue and expanding array of colors are now complimentedwith a bit of unexpected political agenda. 

What we perceive to be art and what isn't is objective. The truth is subjective.
Art In the Wild

Art In the Wild

Exploration of street art.
