Seonyu Kim 的个人资料

Discover Seoul(Seoul City Rebranding)

Project goals
When we think of Seoul, there is no powerful landmark or logo which reminds us of Seoul immediately. There was a lot of effort in making a powerful brand identity for Seoul but most of them were not really successful. I think it was because people want something like I love NY, Iamsterdam. As for Seoul, I think this sort of approach does not work for Seoul because Seoul has potential to be expressed in many ways. The efforts to represent Seoul by just using a logo or symbol should stop. A new approach will be more successful. 
Creative solution
I think a lot of aspects that Seoul already has can be used to create a brand identity of Seoul. Seoul has a lot of things to eat, see and buy. I focused on this three parts by using the variation of 'L' in 'Seoul'. You can see many variations in 'L' that represents the 'Diversity' of Seoul. When tourists travel around Seoul, they can discover 'Different logos, in different places'. I want people to discover the variations of Seoul and find it enjoyable. SEOU cannot change but 'L' can in many ways, which is quite a different way to approach in building a brand identity. These days, flexible design is a huge trend so it will be very creative as well.
People will expect diffrent variations of 'L' when they move place. The variations of 'L' can be discovered in many souvenirs, or a structure like the above picture. 
Discover Seoul Chocolate
Discover Seoul(Seoul City Rebranding)

Discover Seoul(Seoul City Rebranding)

This project is to make a new Seoul logo design. The aim of this project is for tourists to discover the beautiful sights and aspects of Seoul.
