Jelly Belly
Get people to think of Jelly Belly as more than a seasonal gift. 
Strategic idea:
Create a unique community surrounding Jelly Belly.
Creative idea:
Do you have what it takes to be a Jelly Belly taste-tester? 
Jelly Belly offers a wide variety of flavors from the delicious to the disgusting. To get these flavors so accurate someone has the job of tasting all that the world has to offer. This will create interest around the brand. People will start buying Jelly Belly’s as a prank for their friends, and start enjoying some for themselves.
AD: Jessi Michelle Thomas
CW: JP LeRoux
AP: Jessi Michelle Thomas & John Paul LeRoux
Illustration: Randall Cordoba
Web & New Media: Kevin Hoffman
Jelly Belly

Jelly Belly

Poster campaign for Jelly Belly.

