Title: Brunch 
Description: Short Video about finding food at breakfast time. 

Title: Close up 
Description: Shallow Death of Field
Settings used for photo:
F Stop - 20
Focus - 17m
Shutter Speed - 4
Focal Length - 8.3m
Filtration - F20 

Title: Past into the future 
Description: Shollow Death of Field 
Settings used for photo:
16:9 Image Size
Shutter Speed 4 
FStop 5.6 mm  
Focus 0.5 mm
Title: In motion 
Description: fast shutter of moving car 
Settings used for photo:
F Stop - 3.5
Focus - 0.5m 
Shutter Speed - 400
Focal Length - 8.3m
Filtration - F3.5 
Title: The Fountain 
Description: Fast Shutter of the Fountain 
Settings used for photo:
F Stop - 3.5
Focus - 0.5m 
Shutter Speed - 400
Focal Length - 8.3m
Filtration - F3.5 
Title: City View 
Description: City Scape of Washington DC 
Settings used for photo:
F Stop - 3.5
Focus - 0.5m 
Shutter Speed - 4 
Focal Length - 8.3m
Filtration - F3.5 
Title: Lincoln memorial 
Description:  Lincoln memorial view
Settings used for photo:
F Stop - 3.5
Focus - 0.5m 
Shutter Speed - 4 
Focal Length - 8.3m
Filtration - F3.5 
Title: White House View 
Description: Outside view of The White House 
Settings used for photo:
F Stop - 3.5
Focus - 0.5m 
Shutter Speed - 4 
Focal Length - 8.3m
Filtration - F3.5 
Title: Succusful thinking 
Description: Portrait standing in front of car 
Settings used for photo:
F Stop - 6.5
Focus - 17m
Shutter Speed - 4
Focal Length - 8.3m
Filtration - F6.5 
CVD Portfolio

CVD Portfolio

Week 4 - Portfilo Assignment
