Michael D'Anvers さんのプロファイル

Gates Foundation, School Models Project- UX

Target Users:
Educators: Teachers, Principals, District Officials 
As schools and districts identify problems they need to address (i.e. low graduation rates, lack of up-to-date technology, etc.), their school leaders look to learn from other schools who have faced similar issues and have been successful in creating reform. To do this, leaders must travel to other schools to hear their stories, but with limited time and resources, this can be problematic and at times impossible.  
These visits, otherwise known as "Field Trips," take anywhere from two to five days (including travel) and cost the school around $2,000 - $8,000 per person. They are expensive and time consuming which limits the amount of educators that can go each year.
To help solve this problem, my team created a virtual "Field Trip” experience where users could access stories of reform from schools all over the United States for free. We designed a UI that allowed users to find schools most relevant to them based on student body size, location, and inner city-rural. Each school profile included interviews from educators speaking directly from their classrooms to give the users that same feeling of being on campus. It also included other multimedia, such as podcasts, so educators who have a notoriously busy schedule can listen to them on the go or between meetings. Take a look at my team's process in getting to this solution.
Early Sketch
Mock Up 1.
Mock Up 2.
School Profile Prototype 2
School Models Project, Live Site
Gates Foundation, School Models Project- UX
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Gates Foundation, School Models Project- UX

The School by Design Project which became School Models Project is building a database of schools that have gone through reform. Each school will 詳細を表示

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