Heldentaufe is a boardgame, created by Simon Junker. A Kickstarter campaign will be launched in May, the 15th, to make it real ! Come and check for more informations on the official website : heldentaufe.ch , where you can also test and play the game with an online version.
Heldentaufe is a fantasy world, quiet and peaceful, until you take the stairs to the underworld.
Choose your character, and become a hero, by grabbing 20 monster's teeth.
It's a random world, and you'll have to discover, each time, every interesting place on the map.
You'll find useful equipements to help you in your quest.
The Underworld is dangerous, but the treasure lies there.
Here is the fixed map of the Underworld, on a flat board, and the natives to beat.
The 3 monsters, Zibbler, Ulumu, and Wallrog.
And an alphabet I made juste fr fun, with the letters I started to draw for the monster's names.


Illustrations I made for the boardgame 'Heldentaufe', created by Simon Junker.
