Welcome! I create images as a way to be present to my lived experiences. Some themes that recur in my art are impermanence, acceptance, connectivity and renewal. 
I use intention setting, intuitive art making and journaling as a form of self-care, meditation and personal exploration. Images reflects whatever I am feeling or thinking about on a given day. My intention is to practice slow, joyful art making and to put peace into the world.

For more information about my art making process, go to openstudioproject.org. I facilitate regular Art and Wellness classes there as well as lead Open Studio Project's facilitator training program, teaching lay practitioners and therapists how to offer this process to the people in their communities.
Under the waves, Watercolor, 12" x 9"  Intention: I make art from my inner healing quiet space. I connect with 
my wellspring. Witness to image: I hold a caring space for energies to emerge and unfold. Our bodies and 
minds heal us. 2022
Joy, Watercolor, 12" x 9" Intention: I practice loving awareness. 2021
Heart Space, Watercolor, 12" x 9" 2021 Intention: I breathe and welcome calm. I notice joy in cracks and 
crevices. Witness to image: Light, energetic, flowing colors. Center seed with two people looking at a child. 
A world swirling around, uplifting, sweet, musical. Casting a line to the past. Breathing with the passage of 
time. Holding on to right now and not wanting to let go.
Waves/Current, 20" x 12", watercolor​​​​​​​ 2017
Grass, Watercolor, 12" x 9" 2021
Untitled, Watercolor, 12" x 9" 2021
Map of Causes and Conditions, Watercolor, 12" x 9" 2021 Intention: I am embodied, I am gentle, I breathe. Witness to Image: A red thread winding through connecting pieces and parts--arid and fertile. Some areas 
open and flourishing, some blocked off and in need of replenishment. From up high, it is clear that I need to shower rain on the blocked off areas. Tilling soil--slow patient work. 
Garden, Watercolor, 18" x 6"
Wash, Watercolor, 24" x 20" 2015
Heart, Watercolor, 22" x 30" 2018
Bird/Mask, Mixed Media, 7 x 5" 2015
Seed Pod, Watercolor, 14" x 10" 2019
Untitled, Cray-pas, 24" x 20" 2020
Yellow/Orange, Cray-pas and Watercolor, 24" x 20" 2020
The 70's, Watercolor on wood plate, 9" x 9" 2016
Tree, Watercolor, 10" x 8" 2013
Transparency, Watercolor, 14" x 10", 2017 Intention: I practice self-acceptance, Witness: ...Image, do you 
have anything to share? Image says, My shapes are reaching out and letting life pass through us. We are permeable--let things pass thru and release them.
Smoky Mountains, foil, plaster strips, tempera paint 2015
Prairie, Tempera, Chalk Pastels, 24" x 20" 2014
Found, Mixed Media, 3" x 9" 2014
Spectral Landscape, Craypas, 24" x 36" 2016
Breathing, Watercolor, 20" x 12" 2017
Moon, Mixed Media, 12" x 12" 2016
Alert Bunny, Oil Pastel, 36" x 23" 2015
Alert Dog, Collage, 24" x 36" 2015
Paths, Cuts and Intersections, Mixed media, 9" x 9" 2016
Summertime, Watercolor, 26" x 13" 2016
Ghost, Mixed media, 11" x 15" 2018
River, Oil Pastel, 24" x 30" 2014
Breathing, Mixed media, 24" x 30" 2015
Art Work

Art Work

Expressive, process-based art making
