Memory Block is a concept phone application. This is a tool to generate a self sustainable dynamic pscho-geographic location archive. Used by communities to preserve intagible heritage. The idea behind this product is to keep the intangible heritage saved so that it can be revisited in the future. Heritage doesn't have to be a physical object, every event that occurs becomes a story a piece of history which should be shared. Using the visual language of a isometric block to replicate the structures of a memory/story. Every memory or story is different which is why the application will fabricate them differently. Each memory is separated into different sections currently through my research I felt that I could break it up into the selected components below. This allows customisation to the user not each section has to be created to save a block.
Memory Block

Memory Block

Memory Block is a phone application which is used as a tool to generate a self sustainable dynamic psycho-geographic location archive.
