Henkilön Sarbani Ghosh profiili

Intermediate Oil Paintings

These are oil paintings I did as assignments in my intermediate painting class.
The assignment was to create a reproduction of a painting by Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, and then create three more kinds of reproductions using our own set ups. We paid attention to composition, color, lighting, and atmosphere to create a faithful study.

The assignment was to create two reproductions of paintings by Paul Cézanne, and then create three more kinds of reproductions using our own set ups. We paid close attention to his vibrant use of color, distinct brushstroke pattern, and semi-abstract rendering of objects.

We were tasked to make our own version of a painting by Henri Rousseau. We used his technique of putting layers of dense vegitation and foliage on each other like a collage, adding in our own elements like tropical flowers and animals.

Our final assignment was to create our own version of a painting by Edward Hopper. We aimed to recreate his saturated colors, almost etheral yet grounded environments, and moody scenes of isolation in modernity. 
Intermediate Oil Paintings

Intermediate Oil Paintings

Intermediate oil painting class assignments


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