Rotten Cells/ Fischel drugstores

IDEA: To make the progression of cancer a visible process.
At the most visited farmer’s market in Costa Rica, rotten fruit were used to illustrate the aggressiveness of this illness and in this way promote among the assistants the importance of visiting health centres.
IMPLEMENTATION: Fruit stands with the silhouette of organs were created. The silhouettes were filled with fruit, amongst which was a small rotten group. This was accompanied with the phrase:  “One rotten cell spoils the others. Detect cancer early”. Beside these, oncologists and experts on the subject (Fundacancer) were available for the attendants in case of any kind of consultation.
Header: “One rotten cell spoils the others. Detect cancer early.”
Body copy: Lung cancer has a very low survival rate; it represents the third cause of death by malignancies in men, and the fourth in women. Mortality is so high, that every 29 hours a person dies because of this disease. 83% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking.
Early detection is vital in the fight against cancer, don’t wait for symptoms to show before visiting your doctor.
Header: “One rotten cell spoils the others. Detect cancer early.”
Agencia: GarnierBBDO
Cliente: Farmacias Fischel
Organizaciones patrocinantes: Fundacancer y Asociación de Ferias del Agricultor de Costa Rica
Director Creativo General: Manuel Travisany
Director Creativo: Rolando Madrigal
Director de Arte: Julio Alvarado
Redactores: José Coto, Daniela Zamora, Esteban Mclean
Diseñador: José Coto
RRPP:  Fiorella Albertazzi
Director de Producción: Tomás Jankovich
Asistencia Producción audiovisual: Walter Benavides
Producción gráfica: Wady Calvo
Impresos: Sandra Sánchez
Director de video: Fede Lang, Caramba Films
Edición video: Tomás Jankovich.
Colorización video: La Sala Post.
Colaboración creativa: Alan Carmona, Giannina Correa
Confección muebles: OPE
Fotografía estudio: Green Photo.
Música de video: Mamá Patxanga. "Me importa". Albúm "Aliwbili"
Rotten Cells/ Fischel drugstores

Rotten Cells/ Fischel drugstores

Fruit stands with the silhouette of organs were created. The silhouettes were filled with fruit, amongst which was a small rotten group. This was Meer lezen
