Ethereal Raven is the name of my retro hero. He is a skilled marksman and an archer.
Retro Hero: Character Biography
.Full Name: Elias Remington
.Date of Birth: December 4th, 1988
.Home Town: Carson City, Nevada, United States of America
.Ethnicity: White American
.Alias: Ethereal Raven
.Occupation: Former United States Marine
.Spouse: None
Military History
.Joined: 2007 (Aged 18)
.Discharged: 2014 (Aged 25)
.Position: Marine Marksman
.Rank: Corporal
Elias Remington was born and raised in Carson City by his parents Abraham and Matilda Remington. When Elias was a boy, his father would take him out hunting in the woodlands of California, learning how to use a rifle during the weekends. During his schooldays, Elias was bullied constantly by his fellow classmates for his interest of archery as well as competing in archery tournaments.
After graduating from High School, Elias continued training in archery and hunting with his father. Unfortunately one day,  Abraham was attacked by a Grizzly Bear and killed. In fear of being attacked next, Elias shot the Grizzly dead and ran home to his mother.
Left in care of his mother and still distraught about his father, Elias signed up for the United States Army to make him forget his past and live his life. During his military career, Elias has been involved in Afghanistan as a Marksman for his squad. He was given the nickname Raven for his excellent observation skills but was also given the nickname Ethereal because of how he can move around through crowds without anyone realizing he was ever there.
During one covert operation, Elias and his men were ambushed by militia in the Helmand Province. All but Elias was killed in the operation and this event led to Elias being discharged from the military. Feeling betrayed  and sold out, Elias adopted his nicknames, perfected his skills in archery and is looking for evidence of corruption within the chain of command to avenge his fallen squad mates.
Retro Hero

Retro Hero

This is a character I created from scratch using Adobe Photoshop. Sometime in the future I will consider creating an entire story for this Retro Read More
