This piece was originally commissioned as part of a Secret Santa project but I went way overboard when I found out the Santee was my good friend and eternal muse. This is her with her lovely boyfriend and their two darling children, Nova and Doomhammer. Doomhammer's (bottom left) eyes are the eyes of my soul. 
Obviously inspired by old iconic and devotional art and intentionally weathered a bit for effect. This is the first project where I really found my groove with regards to portrait painting and where I first started using gold paint as an integral design element. I didn't intend for it to become part of my "style" but I just loved the effect so much. 

Madonna with Dogges
Acrylic paint on canvas board.
24" x 36"

Madonna with Dogges

Madonna with Dogges

Doomhammer's eyes are the eyes of my soul. Commission for a Secret Santa Project. This is one of my favorite people in the whole world with her Read More
