light + sustainability
The UNESCO is the main institute global which works with education, science and culture. To achieve goals into a short time and into to long time, it creates an environment of creativity to develop the peace culture and sustainable environment. This two aspects were applied into this editorial project which has the objective to celebrate the Year of the Light, celebrated on 2015 that was created by UNESCO. This book has a goal to let the reader into the deep reflexion about the significant subject that is the light and into therefore contribute to the better use of energy with sustainable thought.
For this project were selected two texts that approach about illumination and electrical energy. The electrical energy approach was based on the text written by Siân Berry, How to Use Energy Without Waste (Como Utilizar Energia Sem Desperdício) which speaks about 25 intelligent tips for the reader apply on their daily live and contribute for a sustainable way of living on her neighborhood. This informative text was utilized with pictographic language and construct an objective which is to indicate something for the reader. Talking about illumination was addressed on the chronicle In Darkness (Na Treva) written by Carlos Drummond de Andrade which tells about mysterious experience through metaphor that has lived when the energy finished being the hostage of darkness and imagination. The image construction tries to convey the sense of mystery, imprisonment and loneness from the narrator through textures created with images which overlap.
Putting this two themes together, this project has born and gives a new creative experience for the reader giving him the photovoltaic lantern which allows him a complete comprehension for the content from the external pages into the discoveries of the internal pages which together increased the importance text. 
thank you
and save energy ;)
light + sustainability

다음을 위한 프로젝트

light + sustainability

Projeto de graduação no curso de Design Gráfico, na Universidade FUMEC. This is my graduation project at Universidade FUMEC.
