A Christmas gift for my sister Zimara and a painting I've been longing to do for some time now. The style is inspired by black & white character illustrations from Soulcalibur on the Sega Dreamcast, my vision was not to create a manga caricature instead simplicity is what echoes through, enhancing her features to make them more beautiful and stylized.

*DISCLAIMER* Photo by Zimara Hamadi used for reference purposes only. No profits were made from this work.

Zimara. Jamila. Opia. 
Sister's mini-series of paintings
panoramic print on stretched canvas 39.3" x 19.6" inches
Here is Zimara holding my surprise Christmas gift. As you can see, the portrait was improved with her feedback. I explained my plans to create a series of portraits in this style and she was happy for me to display the piece online. A special moment for me.



Meet my sister Zimara. Part of my sister's mini-series of personal portrait paintings.
