Concepto de packaging para huevos ecológicos, realizado inspirándonos en la Marca “Apiar”, donde se le quiso dar un toque diferente al packaging tradicional con una forma hexagonal, para un mejor transporte y almacenamiento. Este packaging está diseñado con una capacidad para 6 huevos, y dispones de dos aperturas “ Una situada en la parte delantera y otra en la parte trasera “A través de un cinta”. 
Estamos concienciados con el cuidado del medioambiente, para ello el material elegido es el cartón, ya que es reutilizable y fácil de manejar.
The packaging concept for organic eggs, made to inspire from the brand "Apiar" where he wanted to give a different touch to the traditional packaging with a hexagonal shape, for better transport and storage.
This packaging is designed with a capacity for 6 eggs, and there are two openings "One at the front and one in back" Through a tape".
We are conscious about environmental care, for which the chosen material is cardboard, which is reusable and easy to handle.
"opening system"
Gonzalo Castro
 Claudia Morales 
Edu Casabona
Gianni Reyes
PACKAGING for eggs

PACKAGING for eggs

The packaging concept for organic eggs, made to inspire from the brand "Apiar" where he wanted to give a different touch to the traditional packa Read More
