Squibbles are fun little createures that live deep in the forest that live for adventure. Its a cartoon made for children about the adventures of 3 best friends.
For the first one I did a billboard size of 970px-250px. I made my background color a purple color from the first monstera and created a layering style. I used a gradient fill, linear-90 degree and it is forground to transparent. I then took my image and with the quick select tool cut out my image and refined the edges so that his little hairs were all there. I created a layer for it and grabbed it with my selection tool and placed it on my billboard until I liked the size and the way it looked. I then took my title "squibbles" and went to layering style to style my text. It has gradient blend of normal, opacity of 100%, Gradient spectrum is the blend mode, scale 82%, I have a stoke effect  at 3px with a blend mode of normal and also an inner shadow  blend mode-multiply and an opacity of 75%. Images were purchased from shutterstock.com and font for title was downloaded of of dafont.com and its called magic sound.
Second image is a sidekick at 850px-700px, I did all of the same steps for this one except I added more monsters to the image. I cut them each out with the quick select tool and placed them on main image. I gave the Blue and Green guy a fill of 92% and the brown guy a fill of 84%, i found that if I messed with the fill a bit the blending seemed a little better.
Web ad

Web ad

Creating web ads
