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Golden Mask. Performing Arts Festival and Theatre Award

Golden Mask is the Russian Performing Arts Festival and National Theatre Award. This prestigious, prominent, spectacular enterprise accommodates the complete spectrum of performing art directions: large and small scale drama, opera, ballet with contemporary choreography, experimental theatre. Concurrently with the primary competition, other related programs are conducted: Mask Plus, Mask in the City, Mask in the Cinema, KinderWeekend. All these programs are equally important to the festival, no distinctions made.
Golden Mask is a notable experience for both spectators and theatre professionals alike. Therefore everybody would want to recognize oneself in the festival's image. Diverse public, artistic authors and performers. Wearing expensive costumes, or a tulle skirt, or body-tights, or with some avant-garde structure on, or simply naked. How to combine all the currents and images in one? How to make it attractive to all?
For the 2015 festival we have created 4 characters, by the number of genres engaged in the competition. Each program is symbolized by a unique body pose composition that is used in every related print material. Respectable + artistic + eccentric. These keywords were picked to reflect the mood of the design. Rich deep blue backgrounds, classic tailored, but vividly bright foxy colored costumes, sharp triangle shapes instead of heads that make a sign out of a man's figure – these are parts of the resulting visual image created.
The whole work took generally more than half of a year. The following jobs were completed throughout the process: 1 extensive general catalogue, 4 catalogues – one per each program, invitations, badges, bags, tickets, outdoor and printed advertisement, internet advertisement, playbills and pocket theatre programmes for each event, new year greetings, awardee diplomas and exhibition in one of the Moscow city centre side streets.
Оформление ХХI Российской Национальной театральной премии и фестиваля «Золотая Маска»
построено на 4 персонажах, находящихся в постоянной динамике. Каждой программе соответствует определенный набор движений и поз, дающий возможность зрителю ориентироваться в сложной структуре фестиваля
Обозначение программы «Маска в городе»
Новогодние сувениры:
пакет для подарков и открытка
постер-расписание программы «Золотая маска в кино»
Программа оглашения победителей и приглашение на церемонию
Уличная выставка в рамках фестиваля.
Москва, Столешников переулок
Перформанс в городе, ожививший персонажей премии.
Москва, Библиотека им Ленина
Golden Mask. Performing Arts Festival and Theatre Award

Golden Mask. Performing Arts Festival and Theatre Award

The identity for a Russian Performing Arts Festival and National Theatre Award GOLDEN MASK 2015
