New Year postcards for young russian fashion brand
Here I've made postcards for young fashion brand INCITY. The main point was to make it as cute as it possible. This brand is for young girls (15-17 years old) and the other point was that these postcards don't have to be connected with fashion. And more important point. Money from sold postcard will be sent to found of help to young mothers.

So I find this project quite interesting for me. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it. You can buy these postcards in INCITY stores.

Client: INCITY
There's one more year of our friendship ahead!
Pair skating is the best kind of sport
My friends are the best company!
All I want for New Year is you!
Wishing you cosy holidays!
INCITY Postcards

INCITY Postcards

New year illustrations for young russian fashion brand INCITY
