Year: 2010
In the fall of 2010 while I was in my 2nd year as a design student, I attended a workshop held at the University by German designer Ulrike Brueckner. The subject of the workshop was “Passion/Hobby”, and we had to come up with a project idea regarding one of our passions/hobbies.
One of my hobbies is related to music; I’m a self-taught lightweight guitar player, so I wanted to come up with something related to that.
While brainstorming for ideas, I usually listen to music, sometimes I just stare and think (it’s not as creepy as it sounds), sometimes I listen to music and doodle stuff.
Brainstorming for this project, I instinctively started to doodle stuff while Slash was playing his masterpiece “Sweet child o’mine” solo in the background. Bingo! What if I could correlate my doodles to the sound of music, as a way to relieve stress, or just…relax?
So I came up with the idea of a book where scribbling and doodling on it aren’t a crime. The concept is simple: play the cd, and doodle on the free pages inside the book. Each song has a dedicated page with lyrics and my doodles on that song, followed by several white pages where you’re free to doodle anything you’d like.
Visual Sounds

Visual Sounds

A concept book about doodling music.
